Plan your visit
Experience Fire Island’s natural beauty and Maritime History.
Discover the sights, sounds, and scents of our barrier island. Explore the nature trails, the bay, and ocean that surround the Fire Island Lighthouse. A symbol of the rich nautical tradition and Long Island’s exciting history. A trip to the lighthouse, its Keeper’s Quarters and exhibit center will give you a unique opportunity to experience this history.
Discover the demanding life led by the Lighthouse Keepers. Photos and displays tell of the rigors of life at the Fire Island Lighthouse. Learn how a concerned group of Long Islanders, eager to preserve this stately example of maritime history, raised the funds needed to restore this important historic site.
Take the 182 step tour of the tower. See the magnificent panoramic view of the ocean, Fire Island, the bays and Long Island to the north and on a clear day the skyline of New York City. View two floors of interactive exhibits in the Keeper’s Quarters. Visit the new Lens Building to view the First Order Fresnel Lens that was up in the tower from 1858 to 1933 on display in the adjoining Lens building. Take a walk to the Boathouse and examine an authentic Surf Boat and equipment used by the United States Lifesaving Service.

Tower Tour admission
Adults- $10
Seniors- $5 (65 & Older)
Veterans- $5
Children- $5 (12 & under- must be 42" tall)
Members- $2
Scout Groups- $6 reservations required
Active Military Personnel- Free with ID
Our museum in the keeper's quarters is open to the public for no fee year-round during normal operating hours.

40° 37' 53" North
73° 12' 51" West
The Fire Island Lighthouse is located at the western end of the Fire Island National Seashore, just east of Robert Moses State Park. Take Robert Moses Causeway south to the end. At the Robert Moses water tower proceed east to Parking field #5. There is a parking fee at certain times of the year. Please note that on busy summer days there can be a delay in getting to the park due to the high volume of traffic. Park on the east side of the parking field and follow the boardwalk right to the lighthouse.

School groups are welcomed at the Fire Island Lighthouse weekday mornings during the school year. Our program is designed to accommodate the fourth grade Common Core Curriculum guidelines. Group size is limited to a maximum of 60 people.
Our educational program consists of three consecutive 45-minute segments, which include:
Tower tour climb
United States Life Saving Service (USLSS) lecture and demonstration
Forces of Nature (Nature Walk, Lens Building and Boathouse)
Trained volunteers conduct the tower tour and USLSS portions of the program. Every effort will be made to provide a guide for the nature walk segment. Based on volunteer availability, occasionally teachers may be asked to conduct this segment with the use of the self-guiding trail tour, which we will provide.
The interpretive fee is $6.00 per student and chaperone.
Children can bring bag lunches, which can be eaten on the terrace, following the program.
The gift shop will be open at the end of the program. There is a selection of items suitable for students, ranging from $1 to $5. We encourage your support of the gift shop, which enables us to provide quality programs for a nominal fee.
This is a very popular program, which fills up quickly so please make your reservations as early as possible. For reservations and additional information call the Program Coordinator at 631-583-5901.
Pre-visitation material available here.
Special guided tours and Scout Group tours also available.